Notification Preferences and Company Halt Calendar

This article is going to explain the uses of your notification preferences and company halt calendar

Check out the video below!

Screenshots below of notifications and company halt calendar!


1.) This section lets you decide the method in which you will get your notifications

SMS - Text Message

Email - Email notification

Push Notification - A notification via the App

2.) This section will allow you receive notifications for your own PERSONAL assignment notifications

New assignments - items that have been freshly assigned

Overdue - items that are overdue that you need to complete

3.) This section will you receive notifications if you are an ADMIN:

You can choose to receive notifications for NEW or OVERDUE assignments from your employees

NOTE: We recommend keeping it on Learning Plans and Courses, because if you do lessons it will greatly increase your notifications. However, we put the choice for you if you'd like to get those notifications.

4.) This button will allow you to get notifications for people who have been inactive for a week


1.) This section will allow you to see the company halts your own personal halts

2.) This section will allow you to create your halt

Employee halt - a halt that you will set up for your employee. Will only apply to that employee

Company halt - will halt all notifications for everyone in the company

Personal halt - a halt that you set up for yourself. It will only apply to you

3.) This is the company halt calendar. It will allow you to see all the halts that are present within the company.